Well Tried Promises

“And the story continues from Adam to the Church: redemption, redemption, redemption. The entire story arch of the Bible is a story of God’s faithfulness to His promises.”

Flash Fiction: Breakfast for Two

She heard him moving around the room, but didn’t know what malevolence he planned until cold wet drops began to steadily drip onto her feet. She clawed the covers off herself and put her face in his. “What do you want from me?”

Every Good Promise Fulfilled

And when it was over, when all the fighting ceased and God had given them peace on every side, it was acknowledged with a joyful cry that "none of the good promises the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed."

Coffee: a poem

In the space between this, dead and still, I am aware of time and breath and the scent of the sweetened coffee in my hands which I will never drink.

Sinai and a Shack

God has no body. He is completely other, completely Holy. And scripture warns about robbing God of his holiness, of placing him in the form of anything made. He calls it "idolatry."

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