A Mighty Fortress

For the last three years, Milford Bible Church has put together a Renaissance Faire based on the events surrounding the Protestant Reformation. We call it the Reformation Celebration or, more affectionately, Ref Cel. The amount of work that goes into this production would be difficult to overstate. Many talented people pour themselves into various projects... Continue Reading →

It’s the Third Trimester, Little Baby!

And hip hip HURRAY for that! On the whole, I'm still not in love with this pregnancy thing. I have fatigue issues, mood swings, and a weird stress induced on and off again appetite. Though oddly enough, I have this wacky feeling I had all of those issues BEFORE I got pregnant. *tilts head and... Continue Reading →

Closeness In Silence

I had a lot of fears going into Marriage. There was never any question that I loved Timothy. There was never any question that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. But the process of planning, arranging, and waiting for the wedding day was painstakingly horrendous. The day after he proposed... Continue Reading →

Merry Christmas Little Angel

Merry Christmas Little Angel, Looking down from Heaven above. Mommy's arms are aching for you, Wishing she could show her love. I know you have a sweeter view, In a painless, perfect place. Half my heart is happy for you, Half just wants to touch your face. God please hold my baby for me, Give... Continue Reading →

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